etckeeper implementation in subversion (SVN)

How to setup etckeeper in subversion (SVN).I get to know that etckeeper works with git , mercurial (hg) etc, but it doesn’t works with subversion.

I am stuck with this etckeeper implementation in svn…

Any further help…..


From the project’s website: etckeeper is a collection of tools to let /etc be stored in a git, mercurial, darcs, or bzr repository.

So as far as “supported” solutions go: You can’t do this. (I also can’t fathom why you’d want to — IMHO git and Mercurial are far superior to SVN).

If you’re really interested you can dig through the etckeeper source code and add in the support, but deploying git would seem to be a less painful solution.

Source : Link , Question Author : shijin titus , Answer Author : voretaq7

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