Eclipse INDIGO freeze everytime when I run python program

My Eclipse is downloaded some days ago from and the type is Eclipse Classic 3.7.1.

I installed pydev in Eclipse and configuration python in Windows -> Performance -> Pydev -> Interpreter – Python.

After everything finished, I write a hello world program, but when I try to run (Run -> Run as -> Python Run) it, the Eclipse would freeze in everytime!! Yes, Everytime!!

Has anyone met this strange questions?

my configurations:

Eclipse: 3.7.1; Pydev: 2.3.0; Python: 2.6.2; Java: 1.7.0

The Pydev installed method is: go to Help -> Install New Software, and added the pydev updated address:, and installed


Finally, I got the answer, that’s all because ANSICON, I was install the ANSICON for BDD. The purpose of ANSICON is to make command line colorful(that’s really beautiful!), but, it seem change something and make Eclipse freeze. Well, if wants Eclipse works, just uninstall the ANSICON.

Source : Link , Question Author : Marslo , Answer Author : Marslo

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