Dual Boot with Windows 10 on external HDD

Hi i have a laptop and i want to dual boot it with Windows 10 and Ubuntu. I know it is easy to install Ubuntu, but i want to be able to have it installed on an external HDD and have the ability to boot without the disk plugged in since i’m on the go a lot. I have already tried installing on the external drive but when i try to boot without it, it doesn’t boot….


this is likely because the grub files are in the /boot directory of the external drive.

the best solution in my opinion is to make a 10 GB partition at the end of the internal drive to serve as root and use the external partition as /home.

If you feel like doing a bit of configuring with the installers partition manager, /boot is all that really needs to be on the internal.

all the other folders can be used for mounting partitions on the external. though doing every one is a bit of over kill. th main space users are /usr and /var.

Moving these two to partitions on the external will reduce the space needed by the root partition to less than 5 GB, maybe even lower.

Source : Link , Question Author : Community , Answer Author : ravery

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