Domain has SPF Record, One Email Account Always Goes to Junk

We’ve got a domain and email with 1&1 hosting. The domain has an SPF text record. We’ve got 8 email accounts, and all but one of them can send emails to external addresses without them going to the recipient’s junk folder.

But one of our accounts – which is set up exactly the same as the others – consistently gets all his messages delivered to the recipient’s junk folders. All 8 of us have been sending to the same recipient.

I’m trying to think what could cause this behavior – why is just that one account affected? Can anyone give me any pointers? Why is this account – which is brand new – being treated differently.

Not even sure what to google at the moment, so even a lmgtfy link would be appreciated 🙂



Source : Link , Question Author : Richard , Answer Author : Community

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