DiskToVhd generated VHD is not bootable

I had windows 10 laptop, I used disk2VHD to convert disk into VHD. Now I am trying to mount it to virtual box on another machine, but it seems be not booting.

I used windows 10 ISO and through CMD I think non of my partition has property bootdisk = yes.

Please guide, how can I convert this VHD to bootable ?

enter image description here


I find this article,


based on it I tried step, on step 8 I am stuck, please see image below

enter image description here

Update 2

This is main machine

enter image description here

More updates based on comments

I still have access to physical machine, it only has 1 C: Drive and rest are two System EFI drive + recovery drive.

When I use Disk2VHD, it only shows me 2 drives to copy not 3.


What you need is mountvol drive: /S, which mounts the EFI System Partition to a drive letter so that disk2vhd will discover it, where drive: can be any available drive letter (e.g. D:):

enter image description here

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Make sure you run both the Command Prompt (for mountvol) and disk2vhd as administrator.

If you have Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise and the Hyper-V feature added, you can also use the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard in Hyper-V Manager (or the New-VHD PowerShell cmdlet) instead to create a VHD(X) from a Physical Drive:

enter image description here

This does not require you to mount the ESP with mountvol.

Source : Link , Question Author : Developer , Answer Author : Tom Yan

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