Disable NSS LDAP IPv6 (AAAA) lookups

Question: How can I disable inet6 AAAA queries for my LDAP server during (LDAP-backed) NSS lookups on a CentOS (RHEL) 5 machine?

Background: I’ve servers configured to consult ldap://ldap.internal for NSS passwd and group lookups. Every relevant NSS lookup, for example the getpwuid(3) implied by an ls -l which needs to translate UIDs to network user names, performs the following DNS dance before connecting to the ldap server:

AAAA? ldap.internal          -> (no records)
AAAA? ldap.internal.internal -> NXDomain
A?    ldap.internal          ->

I’d like to skip the first two queries completely. Configuration:

[server]$ cat /etc/redhat-release 
CentOS release 5.4 (Final)
[server]$ grep ^passwd /etc/nsswitch.conf 
passwd:     files ldap
[server]$ grep ^uri /etc/ldap.conf
uri ldap://ldap.internal/

For what it’s worth, IPv6 support is otherwise disabled on these systems:

[server]$ grep off /etc/modprobe.conf
alias ipv6 off
alias net-pf-10 off
[server]$ echo "$(ip a | grep -c inet6) IPv6-enabled interfaces"
0 IPv6-enabled interfaces


I’m not sure if /etc/gai.conf would have been available in 2009, but it is now (and would appear to have been at least since CentOS 5.5). It is a feature of glibc and allows setting the preference for sorting of IP addresses by getaddrinfo(3).

Look at https://serverfault.com/a/511240/161782 for a full answer with examples.

If you also want to make source address selection have a matching policy, see this post:

Source : Link , Question Author : pilcrow , Answer Author : Community

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