Determine which Opera tab uses 100% CPU?

Sometimes a tab gets stuck at using all CPU time it can get. I know theres a way to check which one for Chrome or Firefox — is there a native method and/or extension to do this in Opera? Checking pages one by one in another browser is not a solution. Firstly, I can get the same effect selectively closing and opening tabs, secondly, my workflow includes having 25+ tabs, and when I realize that Opera slows down whole OS, it’s a pain to check one-by-one. Last but not least, often it’s not some flash-heavy or obviously CPU-consuming page causing it.


It seems that the answer is available at last! So I have no second thoughts about answering my own question 😉

To the point: development snapshot of Opera 12 (12.00-1359) introduced the opera:cpu tab. Opera 12 hit the virtual shelves on June 14, 2012, so problem is solved. It’s not very detailed, but completely sufficient for answering my initial question. Looks like this:

enter image description here

Source : Link , Question Author : triazotan , Answer Author : triazotan

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