Deploying a custom eclipse package

I’m planning to deploy eclipse to approximation 30 workstations running Ubuntu and would like to avoid a long list of settings/downloads that everyone needs to go through before they can start working.

The type of things I want to do:

  • Install some plugins (e.g. CDT, Subversive, nothing exotic)
  • Configure a default codestyle
  • Perhaps setting up some default remote hosts in RSE

My feeling is that I should be able to do this by simply:

  1. Configure an instance on my machine.
  2. Do some magic thing that removes the binding to my environment (paths etc.).
  3. Tar it up and distribute.

The problem is that I do not know what the magic is and can’t find it.


Normally there is nothing in eclipse that binds it to the environment like paths and such (unless you deliverately introduce it, for example by specifying the path to JVM in eclipse.ini). Configuration is in the workspace, not in eclipse itself. I was bundling eclipse for my colleagues for some years, and it’s as simple as ZIPing it.

Source : Link , Question Author : Mr Shark , Answer Author : unbeli

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