CustomLog responds but there are no output on client

So my friend had a server that responds incorrectly, for example this request:

time curl -vv 'http://x.x.x.x/~a/fsocial/json_eod_per_code/PTBA-2014-2-c.json'
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
*   Trying x.x.x.x...
* Connected to x.x.x.x (x.x.x.x) port 80 (#0)
> GET /~bei50001/fsocial/json_eod_per_code/PTBA-2014-2-c.json HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.37.0
> Host: x.x.x.x
> Accept: */*
* Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
* Closing connection 0
curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

real    2m0.398s
user    0m0.007s
sys     0m0.000s

but on the custom log, it shows as 200 OK: - - [03/Jul/2014:06:25:33 +0400] "GET /~a/fsocial/json_eod_per_code/PTBA-2014-2-c.json HTTP/1.1" 200 2371 "-" "curl/7.37.0"

is there anything else i should check? the httpd.conf seems ok, he said that it just happened suddenly today..

and the mtr result seems ok also.

when tested locally on that server using curl, it gives a response immediately.

i also tried the same thing using nginx, but it still happened..


Source : Link , Question Author : Kokizzu , Answer Author : Community

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