Create printer localport from a network printer in windows 7

I’m having a problem to install a printer using localport,
The printer is installed on a pc with windows 7 and I need to install it in another PC with Windows 2008 R2 creating a new localport for the network printer
but when I create the port tells me “access denied”, the pc with widnows 7 has an simple account with no password and all permissions assigned to the printer (If I install the network printer from the IP, without localport, it print fine)

I need to install the printer using localport because I need to print from a java web using glassfish and also I need not have to create a user account with password in windows 7

How I can do this?


You can do this even as a non-administrator: net use lpt1 \\\HPLaserJ. This will map the printer to your LPT1 port.

If you just want a regular install of a network printer, browse to \, right-click the printer and choose “Connect”.

If this fails, then you have a sharing permissions issue. Check your event logs for details.

Source : Link , Question Author : Aegis , Answer Author : Nathan C

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