Configure Linux and PHP to send email via script instead of SMTP

I have a server with a static IP and also a domain pointing to it. Because it is behind a firewall that blocks SMTP (ingoing and outgoing), I am not able to send any EMail from it.

To be able to send and receive EMail with the domain anyways, I use Mailgun.

I can send EMail with GMail, for example – but not with PHP, since I have only found instructions to configure sendmail() using SMTP. Fortunately, Mailgun offers a HTTPS API to send EMail.

The question

How can I configure PHP to call a script on my server, which itself calls the Mailgun API?

Note: calling the API is not the issue. I only need help configuring PHP.

What I have tried

In the php.ini, you can set the path to the sendmail binary like this:

sendmail_path = /path/to/sendmail

I pointed this to a script which just dumps all params into a file:

echo "$@" > /path/to/output.txt

The script indeed gets called whenever mail() in PHP is called, but apparently there is a problem with the parameters. When I cat output.txt, I only get two empty lines.


I was able to solve the problem. It was simply that mail() feeds the headers and contents of the mail into the stdin of the respective sendmail binary/script.

So I adapted my script to read from stdin and that indeed worked.

Credit to this tutorial, which brought me on the right track.

Source : Link , Question Author : paolo , Answer Author : paolo

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