Compare 20 files with diff, not 2


We are moving from managing hosts by hand to configuration management.

20 files

I want to compare 20 times a config file from 20 hosts. For example /etc/crontab

Use case

I guess about 15 of 20 files are identical. I want to see the five files which where modified with “vi” by hand.

I want an overview, no automated action like patching …

How to compare them …?

I tried my favorit diff tool (meld), but it does not allow more than three files 🙁


I try to wrap my head around what diffing 20 files to each other would accomplish, but maybe I have another approach.

I assume that you want to know what kind of cron jobs are defined over all of your systems. Instead of diffing the files, I propose to output them together, sort the output and then use uniq to omit duplicate lines:


10 10 * * * /
* * * * * /


20 20 * * * /
* * * * * /

All jobs over all files:

cat File1 File2  | sort | uniq -c

  1     10 10 * * * /
  1     20 20 * * * /
  2     * * * * * /

The first column shows the numer of times this job was defined.

Source : Link , Question Author : guettli , Answer Author : Sven

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