Commons-DBCP equivalents of Alfresco’s db.pool.idle and db.pool.min?

Alfresco uses DBCP internally, and exposes DBCP parameters via its own parameter names.

For instance, db.pool.initial in Alfresco actually refers to initialSize in DBCP.

Most parameter equivalences can be guessed by comparing the Alfresco doc and the DBCP doc, but I am unsure for two of them:

What are the DBCP equivalents of db.pool.idle and db.pool.min?


db.pool.idle corresponds to maxIdle

db.pool.min matches minIdle

You can look them up in ./alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/core-services-context.xml

The same applies for various other parameters.

Source : Link , Question Author : Nicolas Raoul , Answer Author : Andreas Steffan

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