Coldfusion 8 crash

I have a very big problem with coldfusion 8 on Windows server 2008 with IIS7.
They are in production server and sometimes the the site is not available, I have to manually end the jrun.exe process from task manager and then the site is available. I realize that the process jrun.exe has abut 1.3Gb of memory used at the time it crash’s. It happens 2-3 times a day, I have looking in the coldfusion logs and I did not found anything strange beside some warnings that some job exceeded the 300 sec of time execution.

I forgot to mention that coldfusion is a 32bit application but the windows is a 64bit, this may be the problem?
I’m not such good in coldfusion, so If someone knows how to troubleshoot please let me know


If you’re under heavy load the JRun never has a chance to do a garbage cleanup, read up on and then check your own server to see if the garbage collection has a chance to run.

Check here:

And try:

<cfset runtime = CreateObject("java", "java.lang.Runtime").getRuntime()>
<cfset runtime.gc()>

You may also have a problem with the young generation specifically never having a chance to cleanup, if you are running 32-bit make sure your -Xmn value isn’t too high, once again consult the first link.

Source : Link , Question Author : deejaylight , Answer Author : Clarence Liu

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