Chrome is redirecting to HTTPS while access HTTP but for DNS only .. IP works fine

I am a bit new to this so pls bear with me … in the company policy, all machines in the domain are forced to use SSL (CGP forces this in Chrome).. however it works for some sites and for some it’s not applied … that confuses me

I have this server – let’s say (IP) with the DNS name .. the app is running on the port 9411 …

when I try to access the app via “” in Chrome, it automatically redirects to https:// protocol and since the app is not running on that protocol (ssl is not enabled there) it fails ….

however, when I try to access the app via IP ( I can access it without any problem …

why the DNS (not really DNS but the domain itself) is forcing HTTPS in Chrome? When I use another browser (in which my company is not enforcing the HTTPS -> Brave Browser) it works great even with the DNS name directly ….

So it seems it’s something in the Chrome.. is there any way I can bypass that? Disabling it in the “chrome://net-internals/#hsts” doesn’t work for I guess it’s being overridden by the company policy upon next logon .. moreover, we cannot force all users (thousands) to do this 🙂 that’s not feasible

any guess what I can do? thx


The DNS does not work in that way.
The DNS is only able to give you an IP address or cname as reply.

The protocol change is matter of webserver reply.
Try checking the DNS reply for the domain:

Source : Link , Question Author : Mr.P , Answer Author : Koma

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