Check success of remote file append via ssh

I like to periodically append some data to a remote file via ssh and remove it locally. Like:

cat some_lines_to_append.txt | ssh 'cat >> all_lines_collected.txt'
rm some_lines_to_append.txt

Now I like to make sure some_lines_to_append.txt is only removed, if the lines where successfully transfered. How to do that?

Does >> create some sort of error return code by itself on failure, or does cat in this case, and will ssh deliver that return code?

Will shh itself deliver non-zero return codes in any occasion that it was finished prematurely?


cat will return 0 (zero) on success.

According to ssh manual :


  ssh exits with the exit status of the remote command or with 255 if an error occurred.

So, in your case it is enough

cat some_lines_to_append.txt |
   ssh 'cat >> all_lines_collected.txt' &&
   rm some_lines_to_append.txt ||
   echo 'Error occurred.'

Source : Link , Question Author : dronus , Answer Author : Alex

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