“Setup cannot continue because a required file is either corrupted or not available […]” error during Windows 7 Professional installation

I encounter the following error during Windows installation: Setup cannot continue because a required file is either corrupted or not available. Run Setup again from the original source disc or download location. This error appears during the Installing Windows… phase, Expanding Windows files process. The interesting part is that I only receive this while installing … Read more

Install PHP/Apache windows 7 [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 9 years ago. Improve this question I’ve successfully installed Apache 2.2.22 and I ran the localhost and I got the It works message so I’m assuming that is ok. … Read more

MSI on Windows 10 won’t register OCX (even when run as admin)

Got an MSI built using a Visual Studio Installer project. The resulting MSI was developed on Windows 7 some years back, and works fine there. There is a merge module (MSM) that is supposed to dump an OCX to the 32-bit system folder (usually C:\Windows\SysWOW64) and register it in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. When I run the installer … Read more

How to undo applications installed “as admin”?

On Server 2016 installed an application by running setup ‘as admin’. Now that the app is up and running, I’m really wishing I hadn’t installed it as admin. Aside from uninstalling/reinstalling, is there an easy way to undo the “as admin” part? Would copying all the files to a non-NTFS partition, deleting the original, and … Read more

Updating an administrative Outlook Client installation with SP1 for CRM 2013

Bear with me here because this may be a tricky question. I have a slipstreamed installation packages for the CRM 2013 Outlook Client. Up until now I have only needed the 32bit client version so that’s all I prepared. The package is updated with SP1 and SP1 UR2. A new set of circumstances brought up … Read more

Multiple instances of standalone installer

So the company I am working at has multiple Vm’s that need patching. Mainly Windows Server 2008. A lot of the updates are blocked due to them causing issues on the build systems. However the production systems need the applied updates. My question then, is there a way to update multiple windows updates from Microsoft’s … Read more

Sideload appx packages via Intune as MSI

In our environment, we have Windows 8.1 Enterprise domain joined computers that are typically never on a company network. We use Microsoft Intune to remotely manage the laptops. We also use Intune to push new programs to the laptops. This work perfect when the programs can be installed via an MSI installer. However, we created … Read more

Remotly obtain an application’s Windows Installer patches via WMI or Powershell

I’m working on a remote administration app which needs to be able to obtain a list of patches which have been applied to an application. This Support article suggests there are two ways they could be stored: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/888535 The ones installed via Update.exe are trivially obtained from the registry. However, patches installed with Windows Installer … Read more