Display brightness cannot be adjusted 18.04

I have recently installed Ubuntu mate 18.04 on my XPS 15 9560. I cannot adjust the display brightness through any means. I have tried the following: Set the acpi_backlight=vendor in boot parameters used xbacklight, which gives the following results . xypnox@xypnox-xps:~$ xbacklight -set 50 No outputs have backlight property also I followed another question at … Read more

How do I disable emoji input in Ubuntu Mate 18.04?

Just noticed this annoying emoji input (“Emoji Choice”) popping up every time I press Ctrl+Shift+E in 18.04. I really need this shortcut to switch to the file explorer in Visual Studio Code but instead I only get the emoji input. Is there a way to disable this or at least change the shortcut? Don’t want … Read more