installing Dash in Ubuntu-MATE

How can I install Unity components like DASH in Ubuntu-MATE desktop environment? I’ve tried searching the Web for this but didn’t find any solution whether it is possible to install DASH package separately and use it in Mate which does not uses Unity,Though I can use Control-Center in MATE. Answer Maybe you will be interested … Read more

Swap switch rearrange workspaces by hotkey?

Known stuff: CTRL + ALT + left-arror moves to the previous workspace. (i.e., WS2 -> WS1) CTRL + ALT + right-arrow moves to the next workspace (i.e., WS1 -> WS2). But swapping workspaces isn’t so easily referenced! Issue: I made a mistake! WS3 should be WS2! WS2 should be WS3! Questions by value: How to … Read more

Installed Ubuntu Mate 16.04 over an Antergos install, missing /home

I had an Antergos install utilizing a second hdd as my /home folder and now decided to switch to Ubuntu Mate. Installed Ubuntu 16.04 (Mate version 1.12.1), and during setup, choose to replace the /, /boot, and swap directories and formatted them, but selected to use the same partition for /home but did NOT format. … Read more

ubuntu-mate No luck disabling option-alt LEFT RIGHT mouse clicks

Have tried several solutions for other flavors How to disable window move with alt + left mouse button? How to disable alt+click from moving windows in Unity 2D? but no luck so far. Any ubuntu-mate users no how to disable alt-option LEFT & RIGHT Mouse button clicks? They interfere with most 3D apps. I don’t … Read more

Small fonts on boot, gets fixed when I open Appearance window

I’m having a strange problem with a fresh installation of Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 When I boot, the fonts are all strangely small looking and not quite right. This is what it looks like when I first boot. After opening System -> Preferences -> Look and Feel -> Appearance, all the fonts magically fix themselves, as … Read more

Ethernet stopped working at all after fresh install (Ubuntu Mate 16.04)

I know it looks like a common problem, but the thing is: after having normal network connectivity during the live session, install and the still after the first reboot, it all stopped working after a night in suspend mode. I usually have Wi-Fi connectivity enabled, but never bother connecting to my wireless network as I … Read more