Why is our firewall (Ubuntu 8.04) rejecting the final packet (FIN, ACK, PSH) with a RST

Background, for a long time we have had problems with our firewall that sometimes keep HTTP requests hanging partially loaded until TCP times out. After tracing the traffic on the firewall I noticed that it occurs only during certain timing conditions, e.g when the webserver has sent the entire response before the client has sent … Read more

Do I need to refresh or restart anything after I add/update a crontab in Ubuntu Server 8.04?

When you change something in Apache you need to reload or restart apache. Does anything need to be refreshed or restarted in Ubuntu Server 8.04 after I add/update the crontab? Thanks a bunch for your help. Answer No. As long as you use the crontab -e command to edit the file, when you save it, … Read more