Hosting your own Microblog, Twitter style. What Software is available? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 9 years ago. Improve this question I think Twitter can be useful inside companies, for daily work: To have a low profile way of communication, for example within a … Read more

Nagios alerts using twitter (with twurl) not firing

We’ve been using nagios for some time and have recently decided to change how we receive alerts. To this end, we’ve installed twurl ( ) and are using it to send alerts. Unfortunately this logs alerts as having been sent, but none get to the monitor’s twitter account. twurl uses a pretty standard CLI … Read more

route cache filling with wrong entries

I have an issue with private network traffic not being masqueraded in very specific circumstances. The network is a group of VMware guests using the network. The problematic host is and the only gateway it is configured to use is The gateway server should be masquerading all outbound traffic and … Read more

Twitter cannot resolve the address

There is a website which is distributed via Azure CDN. The CDN endpoint was used as a destination of CNAME entry for www.< EXAMPLE >.com with usage of Google DNS. The www address to the website works fine with one exception, twitter cannot resolve the address https://www.<EXAMPLE>.io, thereby it cannot read meta tags to generate … Read more

How to stop being logged out on Twitter in Google Chrome?

I am using Windows 10 20H2 and Google Chrome 88.0.4324.182. To this day, I still have no idea why I would be logged out of Twitter automatically after a few days (only Twitter, other sites still stay logged in as normal). It’s very frustrating because my Twitter account has two-factor authentication set up, and I … Read more

Redirect Twitter Home to Twitter Notifications using Chrome Extension?

I’m trying to automatically forward all requests to to . I am trying to use Requestly Chrome & Firefox extension to set up the redirect but the following rule is not working. Any suggestions or any other way to solve this. Answer Twitter uses Service Workers to load the home page of twitter … Read more

Twitter Media Could Not Be Played on Laptop Browsers

Using Chrome (Version 91.0.4472.124 (Official Build) (64-bit)) , Firefox 89.0.2 (64-bit), and Microsoft Edge 91.0.864.67 (Official build) (64-bit) I am not able to see any Twitter (Only Twitter) videos on my laptop browser and after spinning loader icon for while I am getting “The Media Could not be played” error message. This was working properly … Read more

Echofon Twitter client: Can I do unread syncing between multiple Macs instead of just between a Mac and an iPhone/iPad?

I use Echofon for Twitter on my two Macs and I would like to sync the status of my read tweets between these two. I know I can sync between a Mac and an iPhone/iPad, but can I also sync between two Macs? I enabled syncing in the preferences on both Macs, but it doesn’t … Read more