Why “Disks” and “Startup Disk Creator” utilities don’t work on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?

I have problems with these utilities. When I try to format USB from Disk Utility I get this error: Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object (udisks-error-quark, 0) When I try to create bootable USB from Startup Disk Creator I get this: An uncaught exception was raised: [Errno 5] Input/output error Answer … Read more

How to test a USB device created using Startup Disk Creator without restarting?

I made an Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit bootable USB device using Startup Disk Creator. However, it did not give me a message that the device is bootable and I could test it, which it usually gives if the disk was successfully created as a bootable device. Is there anyway, including using virtualization softwares, that I could … Read more

Startup disk creator not launching in Ubuntu

After opening the dash and search for Startup Disk Creator. I have clicked but it’s not launching the startup disk creator. In that case, what should I do? And is there any alternative apps similar to this one. One more thing I have to touch some settings on compizconfig-settings-manager. Maybe it would be a reason. … Read more

How to view multiple USB partitions on “Startup Disk Creator”?

Startup Disk Creator does not display multiple partitions on my flash drive. It only shows it as /dev/sdg. I had to use UNetbootin which shows both /dev/sdg1 and /dev/sdg2 as desired. Why is that so? Is it possible to fix this on Startup Disk Creator? Answer Startup Disk Creator no longer supports multiple partitions, it … Read more

How to fix Startup Disk Creator which ends in an unhandled exception?

I am starting the ubuntu start up disk creator (usb-creator-gtk) on Ubuntu 17.10 (4.13.0-37-generic) and getting this dialog: I already reinstalled it by: sudo apt remove usb-creator-gtk sudo apt autoremove sudo apt install usb-creator-gtk And I checked its installation path: whereis usb-creator-gtk usb-creator-gtk: /usr/bin/usb-creator-gtk /usr/share/man/man8/usb-creator-gtk.8.gz And I tried to start it directly with: /usr/bin/usb-creator-gtk And … Read more

Most stable filesystem to create a usb startup disk?

I don’t care about compatability or speed; I just want stability, that it is quick to respond, won’t wrestle with me when I need to unmount it, etc. Ext4, btrfs, xfs, or what? Answer When it comes to creating a startup disk from scratch (you want to add all files manually) I’d recommend Ext4, as … Read more

Startup Disk Creator fails to format USB drive

I’m trying to create a bootable Ubuntu disk using Startup Disk utility, but when I try to erase the USB memory, this appears: org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.GLib.Error: Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dbus/service.py”, line 707, in _message_cb retval = candidate_method(self, *args, **keywords) File “/usr/share/usb-creator/usb-creator-helper”, line 287, in Format partition = table.call_create_partition_sync(0, size, ‘0x0c’, ”, no_options, None) GLib.Error: … Read more

Ubuntu 12.04 Startup Disk Creator will not write 16.04 LTS iso image

I have ubuntu 12.04.05 LTS. I’ve downloaded ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso. When I run “Startup Disk Creator” and select ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso to write to my usb stick. Then I restart, change my bios to boot from the SANDISK USB. I end up in a live CD of ubuntu 12.04. Which is what I already have. I know I’m running … Read more

Unable to prepare a bootable usb stick with 15.04 in Trusty

I cannot do bootable usb stick in Ubuntu 15.04 with “startup disk creator”. After copying files it says: “system policy prevents installing the bootloader”. This is odd because I was able to do this somehow in Ubuntu 14.04. Answer It’s a bug. An incredible one…. In the release notes of 15.10 beta, you can read: … Read more

Can I format and use the “free space” to the right of my Bootable USB stick’s partition table?

I would like to use my USB stick for my data, while keeping a bootable live copy of Ubuntu on it for the emergencies. I think that until some versions ago the StartupDiskCreator would create a bootable drive that I could still use to store other (non OS) data. Currently, I am left with two … Read more