Which company phone do you recommend? [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center. Closed 10 years … Read more

Twitter client?

I have a voice server which currently sends an email to notify when someone called. But actually, since messages are very short (“[object] Name – number”), the server could just as well send a message with Twitter instead of forcing users to connect to their Gmail account (we don’t use BlackBerry’s, just smartphones with an … Read more

Exchange public folders, mobile

What is the easiest way of accessing public folders (calendars and contacts) in Exchange 2007 via smartphone? Will later updates of Exchange 2013 (CU7+?) support public folders so I should think about upgrading, or am I stuck with server-sided syncing softwares like GetSync’d or CodeTwo? Update: Alternatively shared mailboxes, but I’ve heard that it’s not … Read more

Is a smartphone recognized as a smartphone when connected to wifi? If so, how can I avoid that? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 4 years ago. Improve this question So I wanted to know if when I connected my iPhone to a wireless connection, the router or device that shares the connection … Read more

Exchange 2007: smartphone syncing options

Consider a deployment of Exchange 2007. OWA is deployed and working well. Users want to sync their smartphones with their Exchange account (mail, contacts, calendar mostly). The Exchange configuration details on the phones are using the webmail.company.com public OWA address. Questions: are there options for enabling/disabling sync for smartphones (iPhone specifically, but considering Blackberry also) … Read more

Limit number of views to a website from a smartphone

How do websites such as nytimes.com limit the number of accesses to their website from mobiles/smart phones? My understanding is that they would only see the mobile gateway IP so they can’t use IP addresses. If they use cookies, can’t the mobile user just delete them? Answer There’re probably just checking the user-agent (sent on … Read more

Does Exchange ActiveSync save mails in phone?

We have a lot of smartphones using Exchange ActiveSync to receive mails. Does the phone save these mails in its internal memory? For example: to work with them when we are off-line. Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad English. Answer Normally the items that the clients have already been downloaded from the server … Read more

Enterprise backup w/ smartphone options?

Is there software available for centralized server backups of corporate mobile devices (Blackberry, Android, iPhone, Windows Phone 7)? I am looking for something that will “notice” when a mobile device is on the local wireless connection and back it up to my LTO4. EDIT added 10-18-2011 to answer questions: 1) My smartphone environment is mixed, … Read more

Server cost for smartphone app with web service [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Can you help me with my capacity planning? (3 answers) Closed 8 years ago. I am working on a smartphone application that will require a backend web service – but I have absolutely clueless to how much it will cost. Web Service will handle: – login of users – … Read more