Why are my SharePoint downloads not listing total size or time remaining?

I am testing downloading files from our SharePoint site from outside connections. When downloading files, you never receive total size of the file or time remaining within the download prompt. Why is this? Can this be fixed? It sort of makes the download experience seem longer than usual with an unknown time remaining. Thanks Answer … Read more

SMB administrative Shares (C$) not accessible on a server running SharePoint – WebDAV MiniRedir reports PROPFIND not implemented

I’ve just moved in for a new job, so not much detail. My workstation runs Windows 7. We have a SharePoint 2007 server (Windows 2003) for development which fails to provide access via SMB administrative shares like \server\c$. I can use \mywin7\c$ backwards from a terminal session on that server. Looking at the packets I … Read more

Why are my SharePoint downloads not completing for outside users?

I am using WSS 3.0 with Microsoft Server 2003. I am running into the following problem. On a pretty frequent basis, outside users are having trouble downloading documents. Some downloads are completing while the download is still incomplete. So for instance, a PDF is a 17MB file. If I download it from within the office, … Read more

List connections to OS X Server, and what sharepoint they have mounted?

I have an Xserve running OS X Server 10.4.11. It has Apple File Protocol enabled to share a few dozen sharepoints on the local network. I would occasionally like to get a listing of who is currently connected to the server (easily done with Server Admin), but I would like to know which sharepoints they … Read more

Same url for multiple sharepoint web apps

Is it possible to have a single url to access multiple sharepoint web apps? For example in our installation we have 3 web apps mysites.hostnamme teamsites.hostname portal.hostname Is it possible to have a single url like www.mydomain.com/mysites www.mydomain.com/teamsites www.mydomain.com/portal to redirect to those corresponding web apps? Or do I have to make it all in … Read more