Permissions Required for Sharepoint Backups

We are in the process of rolling out an extranet for some of our partners using WSS 3.0 as the platform. We already use it internally for a variety of things, and we are using the following powershell script to backup the server: param( $url=”http://localhost”, $backupFolder=”c:\” ) [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“Microsoft.SharePoint”) $site= new-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($url) $names=$site.WebApplication.Sites.Names foreach ($name in … Read more

Search Service Error

I’m getting the following error when I try to go into the “Content Sources” section of the Search Administrator in the SSP. The search service is currently offline. Visit the Services on Server page in SharePoint Central Administration to verify whether the service is enabled. This might also be because an indexer move is in … Read more

Sharepoint: Multiple Alternate Access Mapping Collections for Single Web Application

We have a SharePoint MOSS 2007 installation which has two different external hostnames. When inspecting the setup I’ve noticed that there are two Alternate Access Mapping Collections mapped to the same web application. Each AAM collection contains one url mapped to the default zone. I can’t see how AAM collections are mapped to web apps … Read more

Getting a 401.5 Error in SharePoint when it tries to display the login page. Any ideas where to start debugging?

I have a site I am configuring to support forms based authentication in SharePoint. I am stuck because I get a 401.5 error (unauthorized) when the login page is displayed. Any tips for getting started in the debugging process? I already know that 401.5 means an ISAPI Filter has told IIS the request is not … Read more

Using WSS 3.0 Site Collections to Host Customers

We would like to host multiple customers in a single WSS 3.0 web application (so we can use https instead of custom SSL ports). Because they are different customers, we don’t want them to ‘see’ each other when doing directory lookups. We have not been able to configure WSS 3.0 to map different OUs to … Read more