Receiving segmentation fault on various commands Centos 5.8

I have a server running CentOs 5.8. I installed New Relic yesterday. From 9am this morning the following commands give me Segmentation Fault: wget yum rpm I can still access Midnight Commander, and our application is also running fine. I have PHP 5.3.1 installed and it’s also a live application server. — Since my previous … Read more

mod_wsgi Causing httpd to Segmentation Fault

I have just installed python2.6 and mod_wsgi on my MediaTemple CentOS5.8 server. I had to install python2.6 along side the default python version of 2.4. I then compiled mod_wsgi telling it to use python2.6. Everything compiled and built fine. I added this line to the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf “LoadModule wsgi_module modules/” When I restart httpd this causes … Read more

Apache2 vhost config not working (Debian 7)

My Apache 2.4.9 vhost configuration is not working any more on Debian 7. I didn’t make any changes and it seems to have broken. Going to my site shows the following in /var/log/apache2/error.log AH00052: child pid 5457 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) What is the best way to trace what is causing this? Also within … Read more

Why I can’t upload a 4k video to phpvibe?

So I trying to playing with Google VM tools and Phpvibe. My chalange is, you can upload any video whatever you want, to the site and after that the server is convert to the optimal format, so you can play the video. I set everything for this page can be work, like ioncube, gd libery, … Read more

apache http 2.2.29: Segmentation fault

We are using apache http server 2.2.29 on Linux. Below is the information related to Linux version (as found in /proc/version file) Linux version 2.6.32-573.el6.x86_64 ( (gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-16) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Wed Jul 1 18:23:37 EDT 2015 We have observed that apache is generating many core dumps and getting … Read more

Lot of segfaults and glibc detected erros too

my apache error.log has a lot of segfault errors: [core:notice] [pid 16753] AH00052: child pid 4861 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) And also some glibc detected errors every 10 hours or so: *** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/httpd: malloc(): corrupted unsorted chunks 2: 0x00007fcfcde5fd80 *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib64/[0x7fcfcb7f1dee] /lib64/[0x7fcfcb7f64b8] /lib64/[0x7fcfcb7f6aac] /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/[0x7fcfc2a14f5f] /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/[0x7fcfc29e6506] /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/[0x7fcfc29e8352] /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/[0x7fcfc2984e82] /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/lib64/apache2/modules/[0x7fcfc4faa6de] … Read more

Segfault error 4 in

Since a few days, I see this kind of messages in my syslog: Sep 23 14:28:42 server kernel: [138926.637593] php5-fpm[6455]: segfault at 7f9ade735018 ip 00007f9ae4026772 sp 00007ffd69b4fad0 error 4 in[7f9ae3ff9000+2f1000] Sep 23 14:28:44 server kernel: [138928.314016] php5-fpm[22742]: segfault at 7f9ade3db018 ip 00007f9ae4026772 sp 00007ffd69b4fad0 error 4 in[7f9ae3ff9000+2f1000] Sep 23 14:32:11 server kernel: [139135.318287] … Read more

zend_mm_heap corrupted PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare composerRequire

We have a webserver where besides normal requests large files are being uploaded. Some requests (such as 1/10) are dropped. We than see following errors in the error log. ==> /var/log/apache2/web_error_ssl.log <== [Fri Dec 07 15:38:24.154218 2018] [php7:error] [pid 8333] [client ****:****:****:****:216:3eff:fe0b:bb4f:55760] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare composerRequire2f3df4313599c81c8cd86cade0406e0b() (previously declared in /var/www/releases/test/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php:54) in /var/www/releases/test/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on … Read more