Self Signed Certificate for RDP over Internet – Why Not?

I was recently informed on SF that using a self-signed certificate for RDP over a public interface is not recommended. In this particular scenario, I’d like to understand more about why. The situation is this: I RDP into a network by port-forwarding to independent machines on the LAN through a static IP. For example: External … Read more

Risks to increasing the IIS 7 –“Maximum Requesting Entity Body Limit”

IIS 7 — “Maximum Requesting Entity Body Limit” It is certainly easy enough to increase the field “Maximum Requesting Entity Body Limit” in IIS 7. Has anyone encountered risks to increasing this limit past 1 000 000 ? (one million)? This is for a web-hosting application that contains “classic asp” legacy pages. Answer Copied from … Read more

Replace Encrypted RAID Card

Im completely inexperienced in this topic, therefore excuse me if my question is redundant. We are thinking about deploying Servers with HP Smart Array P840 Controller and using the HPE Secure Encryption for security. The HPE Secure Encryption is, according to its QuickSpecs, a Smart Array controller based encryption solution which creates, stores and deletes … Read more

How do I calculate the probability that a data storage device breaks?

There are lots of different storage media. To name a few: DVD’s CD’s Normal hard drives SSD hard drives USB flash sticks Let’s say that I have saved some files to a certain media. How would I calculate the probability that the media/device will break within X time units and I’ll be unable to access … Read more

What amount of effort and money should one invest against DDoS threats? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question Typically, when you invest money to protect yourself against some possible threat, you should take into account two factors: the probability (p) of … Read more

When should new service accounts be created/used?

At my organisation there are conflicting schools of thoughts around service accounts. This has come up because they wish to deploy SQL Server for the sole purpose of running SharePoint databases. One group believe that a different service account should be used for each server application and for each environment (e.g. production, UAT/test, development). So … Read more

How important is patch management? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: To update or to not update? (7 answers) Closed 8 years ago. Problem I’m trying to sell the idea of organizational patch/update management and antivirus management to my superiors. Thus far, my proposition has been met with two responses: We haven’t had any issues yet (I would add that … Read more