Same Interface routing with ICMP-Redirect disabled? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I don’t want to talk around the bush for long. I disagree with a friend how a router would behave in a special … Read more

Apache set max Content-Range

The Question: Client asks for: Range:bytes=0- Server responds with: Content-Length:8396748 Content-Range:bytes 0-8396747/8396748 I want to limit that Content-Range to 1MB chunks so the server would respond like this: Content-Length:1000000 Content-Range:bytes 0-999999/8396748 How can I make Apache/2.2.22 do this? Regarding “What are you trying to accomplish?”: It is desirable if for (one of many) examples a … Read more

Is RFC1035s definition of a wrong?

[RFC1035] defines <domain-name> as <domain-name> is a domain name represented as a series of labels, and terminated by a label with zero length. This means a <domain-name> must be a FQDN of the form an.example. with a terminating ‘.‘. Also, according to this RFC CNAME and MX EXCHANGE RDATA must be a <domain-name>. According to … Read more

Can a non-authoritative name server give any response it likes to?

Our domain registrar allows us to either make use of our own DNS servers or to use theirs (configuring DNS entries in their web interface); I suppose this is a common situation. We have opted to set up our own DNS servers. Now, the registrar’s DNS servers (which are no longer authoritative) return a response … Read more

Do glue records/child hosts override DNS wildcard entries or A records at the domain names DNS servers records?

Do glue records/child hosts override DNS wildcard entries or A records at the domain names DNS servers records? example: = at registrar DNS glue /child host = wild card entry at DNS server if i ping from or external dns internet, will it go to or … Read more

Is HTML content permitted in email header values?

In the process of troubleshooting an email message display issue, I noticed that an email header contained HTML. Example: From: <> To: <> Date: 11 Feb 13 12:00:23 Subject: Foo Test Message: <html><head><meta http-equiv=”Content-Language” content=”en-us” <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=windows-1252″> <title>Foo Test 123</title><body>Hi Message-ID: <> The message header is added by an upstream server that I … Read more

SMTP – Routing in RFC 821 and RFC 2821

RFC 821 indicates that the MAIL verb can be given a <forward-path> argument of the form “@ONE,@TWO:JOE@THREE” to indicate intermediate routing hosts (@ONE,@TWO) and the final receiver of the email (JOE@THREE). See 3.6, Relaying: RFC 2821 dictates that if an SMTP server is sent a forward-path of @ONE,@TWO:JOE@THREE that the email could be directly … Read more

Qmail / Zend Mail – RFC 5322 compliant

My company is getting spammed by itself, or rather by it’s Qmail, we’ve got a few automated processes sending out e-mails with Qmail and Zend Mail. I’m not a expert in either of these, (I know literally nothing about them), and the ‘spam e-mails’ are Qmail telling us that a series of e-mails being sent … Read more