DNS routing after PPTP connection

I use a PPTP VPN to connect to my work’s environment, but don’t know how to configure DNS resolution the way it seems appropriate. When I connect via Network Manager I get two servers in /etc/ppp/resolv.conf and mywork.com.br as a search domain in /etc/resolv.conf. While it allows me to resolve names in that network it … Read more

Trying to change the nameservers, I am stuck by the complexity I found

I am trying to change the nameservers being used by my Ubuntu machine (just my laptop, not a server). In the good old days in which I was using Slackware I just needed to edit /etc/resolv.conf and my job was done. After figuring out that /etc/resolv.conf is actually generated by resolvconf I edited /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head as … Read more

What happens when we delete resolv.conf file from a Linux server?

I have deleted the resolv.conf file from a Linux server and now I am not able to login to that server. What is the logic behind this and how can this be resolved? Answer The resolv.conf file contains configuration of name servers and domains required to resolve names of other servers to their network addresses. … Read more

Make dnsmasq not altering resolv.conf

Every time I (re)start dnsmasq it replaces /etc/resolv.conf with nameserver …. However that maschine has not to use the local DNS service. (Please don’t ask why, the whole environment is like it is…) How do I actually prevent dnsmasq from touching /etc/resolv.conf? Neither removing resolvconf nor chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf is an option. Answer You … Read more

DNS settings messed up and resolvconf uninstalled

Yesterday I messed up my network settings on Lubuntu 16.04. Wifi had problems and I thought it was my problem, it turned out later, that the problem was a temporary problem with the central wifi, it basically showed as connected but I could not load any pages in Firefox. Trying to fix it I am … Read more

How to query the resolvconf database?

The Description of resolveconf in it’s manual page tells us: “The resolvconf package comprises a simple database for run-time nameserver information …”. What is clear in the manual page is how to add or remove information to that database. But, How to query it?. Answer ls /etc/resolvconf/run/interface will list all the pieces of nameserver information … Read more

NetworkManager-configured dnsmasq failing to forward requests

I use Lubuntu 17.04, on which the NetworkManager service (subsystem?) performs some configuration actions when I connect to a new network. One of these is (re)setting the /etc/resolv.conf file to: # Generated by NetworkManager search some-local-domain-here nameserver at least that’s what I get when DHCP is used. There’s a dnsmasq instance which listens on … Read more

How to make resolvconf append nameservers to the list instead of prepending them?

I’m trying to configure OpenVPN to update DNS-servers as described here. That seems to work, but resolvconf prepends nameservers (and also search domains) to the list of existing nameservers. How can I make it append stuff to the end (i.e. give lower priority to these settings)? Answer You can use the resolv.conf.head and resolv.conf.tail files … Read more

NetworkManager problem with dns servers

I’ve got two network cards, one is onboard and the other is an added PCI card. I also created a bridge interface for my KVM virtual machines to use, so my desktop (host) uses the enp3s0 interface and the VMs (guests) use the enp4s3 interface through a bridge that I created named VM-NetBridge. Here’s the … Read more