Error trying to install pipelight

I try to install pipelight but I get an error msg. What can I do about it? $ sudo apt-get install –install-recommends pipelight-multi Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using … Read more

How can I install pipelight-multi on Ubuntu 17.04 to steam Silverlight videos?

I have tried the following in order to install pipelight-multi so I can watch videos powered by Microsoft Silverlight (e.g HBO Now): sudo apt-get install wine-staging sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipelight/stable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install –install-recommends pipelight-multi However, I get the following error: Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done Package … Read more

Consistent dialog concerning wine-silverlight

I installed pipelight and as part of the installation procedure, after everything was done in terminal, an external window appeared and started automatically installing wine-silverlight. However, after several minutes of no progress, it seemed like that part of installation had crashed, eventually I just reboot my machine. Now whenever I launch my browser (I use … Read more

Unable to use Netflix – still asked to install silverlight. Firefox, pipelight, silverlight enabled, passed troubleshooting

I have recently got hold of a new laptop running Ubuntu 14.04. I tried to set up netflix using the pipelight package as I had done previously on my old laptop using Mint 14. Now however, despite having followed the installation and configuration instructions given for Ubuntu and installing and configuring User Agent Overrider on … Read more

Youtube doesn’t work anymore in firefox (Ubuntu 14.04)

Title says it all. Whenever I try to play a Youtube video I get the error messages: Your browser does not recognize any of the video formats available It worked fine just before I installed the pipelight plugin. I am very confused and annoyed at this. My Youtube still works fine in chrome. Any help … Read more

Xfinity video not playing

When I try to watch Xfinity/Comcast videos, the actual video does not load. I have installed Flash, then installed Pipelight and enabled Silverlight, Flash, Shockwave, and Unity3d. Other Silverlight and Flash video sources work just fine, including Youtube, Amazon, and Netflix. I get the commercial, then the player usually loads up (sometimes there’s a hang … Read more

How do I get past the EULA screen in the terminal when trying to install Pipelight?

I am in the process of installing Pipelight (according to the directions I found online). I typed the sudo apt-get install pipelight command everything is fine until I get a EULA from Microsoft in the terminal from which I cannot “escape” to advance to the prompt where I need to type in the sudo pipelight-plugin … Read more

Unable to install silverlight in Ubuntu 16.04 after using tutorial from multiple sites

I have followed these procedures: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:pipelight/stable sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ehoover/compholio sudo update sudo apt install wine-staging sudo apt install –install-recommends pipelight-multi sudo pipeline-plugin –update sudo pipelight-plugin –enable silverlight sudo pipelight-plugin –enable flash pipelight-plugin –system-check Here I am getting the following error: >> 32 bit << Checking Wine version … Version: wine-1.9.7 (Staging) Patched Wine … Read more

Pipelight not working with firefox or chrome

I installed pipelight by following the instructions on the website but it still does not work properly . Kernel version 3.8.0-27-generic When launching chrome the logs show up as . Can someone tell me what is wrong with my setup ? n-linux:~$ google-chrome & [1] 31528 husain@husain-linux:~$ ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by … Read more