Using mozilla firefox with utf-8 addresses (in greek) on mac

Very often when I use firefox (any version from 10+) and I type my utf-8 seo url it behaves strangely. For example it randomly cuts the url and adds the url again at whole like this:ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΕΣ/ΛΑΛΑ would make it asΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΕΣ/ΛΑΛΑ resulting in converting the url to urlencoded letters and 404 errors. I am … Read more

OS X: change root umask for su?

In recent versions of OS X (10.6+), the sudo command by default takes the “union” (bitwise or) of 0022 and the caller’s user mask. This can lead to problems if the umask is more restrictive than 0022: e.g., the caller may not be able to access files created by sudo. The related post, How do … Read more

Bittorrent clients won’t open at all, is my ISP throttling them?

I noticed that the bittorrent client that I normally use, uTorrent, stopped launching. The icon would pop up on my dock for about 2 seconds, then proceed to disappear and nothing would happen. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times, as well as with other bittorrent clients, but nothing seems to work. I don’t … Read more