Why cron job is not able to open X display connection [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I have a java app rendering some sprites using LWJGL and OpenGL. It works fine until I move it to remote virtual machine … Read more

Testing ATI hardware for OpenGL

We have an application that uses OpenGL, and historically it has run lousy on ATI cards, although results have been different depending on card/driver combo. We’re trying to put together a test machine on a very low budget, where we can swap in different ATI cards and test them. I was wondering if anyone has … Read more

OpenGL support in Solaris 10 x86

Our application supports Solaris Sparc and certain parts of it rely on OpenGL. I couldn’t find the official guide on OpenGL support of Solaris x86. Any one has the respective information or related experience of OpenGL support in Solaris x86 (includes installing Solaris 10 to a normal PC, what kind of graphic cards support OpenGL … Read more

Running openGL program using WAMP

I have a C++ binary compiled using VC++2008, this code uses my GPU (NVIDIA GT 8600) for some calculations. The program first checks for the graphics card vendor using the glGetString(GPU_VENDOR) function in openGL. When I run this program from the command line it works without any problems. But if I execute the same command … Read more

Should Windows Multipoint Server stations on individual video cards support hardware video acceleration?

I’ve set up a test machine with multiple PCI-e nVidia GF440 Video cards and installed Windows Multipoint Server 2011. I use the same kind of hardware set up with a BeTwin multiseat solution to create a class lab for Google SketchUp teaching (highly OpenGL dependent) and it works ok. On the Multipoint Windows test machine … Read more

OpenGL on Windows Server 2012 R2

I have my own game written in Java and it uses the Slick2D game library which uses OpenGL. The game has some multiplayer features so i need to start the server-software for the game on a Windows-Server, but OpenGL does not work because the Windows-Server is a VPS from a hoster. Is it possible to … Read more

7.0.1 and Photoshop openGL requirements

I’m running Workstation 7.0.1 on a 64-bit Linux host, with a Vista guest, and the Aero theme works a treat – full marks for getting that working! However, when running Photoshop there are some operations (like interactive image rotation) that seem to require graphics support that VMWare doesn’t have – attempting to do these operations … Read more

Hardware, network infrastructure for runnng gaming server nd on VirtualGL

Foud nice project VirtualGL (http://www.virtualgl.org/). Tried to run 3D fames (EVE Online, Prototype) on server and display the output on thin client using 100Mbps network. Server: Gentoo Linux on AMD Phoenom II x6 3.4Gz, 8GB RAM, 2x NVIDIA 9800 GTX in single session with display resulution 1024×768 on client. Performance is very promising. Going to … Read more

Amazon EC2 VNC Nvidia GPU usage?

I have a GPU instance on Amazon Web Services I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS The console show that the drivers are loaded perfectly, see below output $nvidia-smi -q | head ==============NVSMI LOG============== Timestamp : Thu Nov 13 07:11:13 2014 Driver Version : 340.29 Attached GPUs : 1 GPU 0000:00:03.0 Product Name : GRID K520 … Read more