Netbeans cursor/breakpoints on wrong line

Netbeans cursor/breakpoints are on the “wrong” lines. By single-stepping over lines, and monitoring variables in the watch window, I can see that it is executing the instruction 3 lines ahead, not the line I just stepped over. I’m using Netbeans 8.2 on Windows 7, trying to develop/debug a PHP/Javascript/MySQL website. I’m slightly beyond beginner level. … Read more

Can’t connect to certain port – How to unblock port

I am running a Apache2 Webserver with PHP 7 and xdebug. I try to establish a connection between my IDE (Netbeans) and xdebug running on my webserver. I read here that I have to check if I can connect to the client where the IDE runs So I executed this command from my webserver, like … Read more

Netbeans 11.2 Source/Design tab missing

Working with Netbeans 11.2. After creating a JFrame Form (an IDE created class extending JFame), the design view isn’t available(where one drag-and-drops swing components onto the frame). This wasn’t the case in Netbeans 10 where a tab was available to switch between design or code. Am I missing something? Is there a special setting which … Read more

How Do I Paste A Path Into Netbeans With Proper Formatting?

every time I past a file’s path into Netbeans (for example, C:\programs\test.txt) I always have to add in the escape characters so that Netbeans understand the path. So, I will paste “C:\programs\test.txt” And I will have to manually change it to “C:\\programs\\test.txt” Is there a way to make Netbeans automatically format paths like this? Thanks … Read more

How Do I Paste A Path Into Netbeans With Proper Formatting?

every time I past a file’s path into Netbeans (for example, C:\programs\test.txt) I always have to add in the escape characters so that Netbeans understand the path. So, I will paste “C:\programs\test.txt” And I will have to manually change it to “C:\\programs\\test.txt” Is there a way to make Netbeans automatically format paths like this? Thanks … Read more

Netbeans Author Tag?

I’m using Netbeans 11, and when I create a new Javadoc tag, my default name appears in the form of: /** @author Sarah <GENERIC_EMAIL_HERE> **/ public class X {} How can I change these default values? I recall opening a file a long time ago, but I have long since forgotten how to get it. … Read more

Tomcat does not find servlet based on urlPatterns definition

When a browser form requests a servlet, TomCat shows the message HTTP Status 404, with the following explanation: “Type Status Report Message The requested resource [/Conversao/convert] is not available Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.” Also, Tomcat’s log … Read more