What is sudo nautilus ? What does it do ? When do i use it? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: How do I start Nautilus as root? (10 answers) Closed 5 years ago. Newbie here. I had to install adobe flash plugin and add it to firefox. I followed instructions of a youtube video and did that successfully. In one of the step it asked me to enter the … Read more

Nautilus (Files) 3.18.2 show other partitions as other locations, not under home directory listings

In order to be able to install evolution 3.18.2 to Ubuntu 15.10, I had to add the gnome3-team ppa and the gnome3-team staging ppa. As a result, Nautilus (Files) is version 3.18.2. This is a problem (versus older versions) is that other partitions show as other locations, not under home directory listings. Just about all … Read more

Ubuntu : Disable access to file-manager, keyboard,mouse(Touch screen available) for guest account

I am looking to configure Ubuntu(Any version, new installation) for presentation in which I would like to do the following things : Automatic guest-login at startup. Completely disable keyboard,mouse, USB ports, there is a touch-screen available which the user can use. Disable TTY access i.e ctrl+alt+F2,F3, and so on. No access to file-system via nautilus. … Read more

Need help building shell script for copying

I have thousands of pictures (raw) in my computer sorted out into many folders and subfolders. I want to copy those into cloud drive. I successfully mounted to cloud drive. Due to my limited upload bandwidth it may take couple of days to complete the upload. When I am trying to copy files using nautilus, … Read more

Setting NOEXEC for all removable drives

I am using fedora 30 and I would like to prevent removable drives from being mounted with executable permissions. From my research I have found that Nautilus handles the auto-mounting(using Gnome on fedora 30). I so far haven’t been able to find a setting to achieve what I want with Nautilus. I have also looked … Read more

Disable automount of removable media in GNOME/Nautilus

Using GNOME 3, how can I disable automounting removable media and if possible, do so using the drive ID? Answer I think this might work, but haven’t tested it: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : cloudcalvin , Answer Author : nielsdg