Why can’t I have more than two SSH connections to a server?

I am using Puppet PE 2017.3.5.0-1 on a CentOS7 AWS instance. When I SSH into this machine, to a default installation, I am getting limited to two connections only. When I try to connect again (from a 3rd terminal) the connection is closed automatically. I’m not able to connect more than twice at the same … Read more

multiplexing a TCP connection through a dumb shell connection?

I am connecting to a VPN whose gateway is sufficiently misconfigured that basically the only useful thing I can do with it is to ssh to a specific Linux host set up for my usage inside the VPN, and then use that host as a terminal. (Neither scp nor ssh port forwarding nor ssh proxying … Read more

Chromecast mDNS burst slowing down PCs

Starting a few weeks ago, at seemingly random intervals, 3 of 5 PCs will lag at the same time for a few seconds to the extent where mouse and keyboard input is delayed and VoIP calls are dropped. After ruling out a few potential root causes, I suspected that something on the network was causing … Read more

How is frequency multiplexing implemented?

How is frequency multiplexing implemented? I understand that in time division multiplexing the feed of each channel just uses its own time interval for sending out data over the same medium. But how can you mix different frequencies into a single medium? Wouldn’t that just cause static ie: “white-noise”. Answer Assuming this is in the … Read more

sshd_config limit / disable multiplexing

Background: ssh (client) allows the re-use of active connections via multiplexing ControlPaths … Host * ControlMaster auto ControlPath /home/username/.ssh/%r@%h:%p the TL;DR is the first connection will authenticate like any other, subsequent connections will use the controlpath and not perform any additional authentication. Now my question; is it possible to limit the use of such connections … Read more

Funnelling http traffic

I have a situation where a large batch of servers (X), on demand, need to request data from a smaller set of web servers (Y). The worst case scenario is if all servers in X decide to fetch different requests to one server in Y. That would be X amount of connections, which could be … Read more

Enabling SSH multiplexing for a series of commands, then closing it

I’m trying to create multiplexed ssh connections for a series of commands that run in succession, then after the series of commands is finished, close the multiplex session. According to the documentation, the first connection should start the control master: ssh -o “ControlMaster=auto” -S /home/justin/.ssh/sockets/multiplex_ssh.sock justin@ “uptime” Then the rest of the commands just need … Read more