WebDav uploads fail on files with certain characters on Apache

Have webdav uploads working great on one our boxes but anytime there is a ; # or * (and maybe a few others) the upload fails. That is expected since they’re restricted characters but I’m curious if there’s a way to rewrite/rename those files on their way through. We don’t care what the name is … Read more

FTP-like folder with mass copy protection

This is something I’m trying to find a solution to for a couple of weeks now. I have a folder on my server which I’d like to share with my partners overseas but I have a very specific demands from it -all partners should have access to view the main folder. -each partner should have … Read more

Is there away to get around shared folder resource limits?

We have a situation where we need to share out a shared folder on a PC running WinXP to more than 10 users. Apparently there is a limit to the number of connections for a shared folder(?). To add a little complexity, the data can not simply be moved off to a file server, as … Read more

webdav on iis7.5 – simply cannot make it work

I won’t bore with the details, but I’ve tried every possible combination of settings to get webdav to work on win 2008 r2 and iis 7.5. I’d just like to find out if anyone else has faced challenges making this work and found some magical combination of settings to make it so? I am running … Read more

Subversion on Ubuntu with multiple repositories and separate commits

When I first set up SVN on my server, I opted for the WebDAV http://… access method. However, I could not find out how to enable multiple repositories with this configuration. With this method, any one commit incremented the revision counter for all projects. Next, I switched over the the svn:// protocol using the included … Read more

Git push corrupting DavLockDB on git push over http

I have a git over http using apache+webdav, autenticating on a ldap directory. It is working ok for most users, but since last friday (FUN FUN FUN!!! just kidding), when one particular client tries to push to the server, his client gets in a loop, and none of the other clients can push, although they … Read more

Connecting to office 365 shared document library via webdav on OSX

I think pretty much what I need is in the title. I’m looking for one person who’s managed to do that, and how. I would appreciate it. I tried Cyber Duck, and it let me down Answer Embrace and extend is Microsoft’s method of making sure that only MS products can be used. A SharePoint … Read more