How to modify these VBA codes to save excel sheet in excel format (.xlsx)?

I have added a button in excel sheet and now when I click that button it saves the sheet at specific path with specific name but in pdf format. I want to save this sheet simply in excel format (.xlsx). so Sub PDFActiveSheet2() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim strFile As String On Error GoTo errHandler … Read more

Combining multiple Excel rows based on similar contents then incrementing a column in VBA

I’m trying to set-up a VBA routine that will check all the rows of a worksheet and then combine two rows that are identical, then once it does that increment the “QTY” column. Below is a before and after example of what I’m looking to achieve. Before: After: I’ve tried applying a few solutions I’ve … Read more

Install older version of MS Office without removing newer version first

I’m currently running Microsoft Office 2010, but I temporarily need Excel 2007. I know I can use the Custom setup at the 2007 install process to select just Excel, and based on the Setup Help page: When you are done choosing the custom installation options that you want, do one of the following: Click Upgrade. … Read more

How can I get the unique values present in a column for each set of identical values in another column?

I have the following two columns: Con.By Prod A 1 A 1 A 2 A 2 B 1 B 1 B 2 B 2 I can easily get the unique values either in column Con.By or column Prod. However, my requirement is to get the unique values in Column Prod for each of the unique … Read more

How do I delete repeated values (#Not remove duplicate values#) in a column excel?

I have the following two columns of data: Location Value A 1 A 1 B 2 C 2 D 3 D 3 E 4 E 4 F 5 G 5 If there is a duplicate combination of Location and Value, it has to be DELETED. If I use the remove duplicate option, the duplicates are … Read more

How to insert Time in a range of excel sheet which should not update automatically?

Friends I want to insert time in a range which should not get updated automatically. For example if there is any value in cell no k5 then the current time should automatically be inserted in cell no N5. Similarly if there is any value in k6 then the current time should be automatically be inserted … Read more

Categorising overall probabilities of jobs in Excel

EDIT So I’ve managed to get everything largely working using the SUMIF function as follows. For <30% and >70%: =SUMIF(D2:D392,”<30%”,E2:E392) For 30-70%: =SUMIF(D2:D392,”>=30%”,E2:E392)-SUMIF(D2:$D392,”>70%”,E2:E392) However, is the second function (for 30-70%) the most ideal way to get the total number of jobs between 30-70% chance of computerisation? Or is there a cleaner function I could use … Read more