How to make memcache accessible only from several ip’s?

I have 4 load balansed apache servers, that are using one memcache server. I want to make memcache server accessible only from my this 4 servers. How can I do it? Can I write something like this in memcache’s config? -l,,, Answer This is not possible with memcached itself. Your options … Read more

why memcached server running slow for my case

I am usiing memcached for html caching for my project but it take too much time to retrieving data and responding. Server stats: 8 GB RAM, centos, php client Here is my setting : echo “stats settings” | nc localhost 11211 STAT maxbytes 1073741824 STAT maxconns 1024 STAT tcpport 11211 STAT udpport 11211 STAT inter … Read more

Can’t telnet to memcache server

I’m trying to connect the application server to the memcache server. App Server Memcache Server Memcache Port 11211 I’ve tried the following. Ping from to works telnet 80 works telnet 11211 doesn’t work: No route to host found. Memcache is listening to and therefore the UFW on … Read more

Forward localhost memcached server on port 12111 to memcached server

My customers are running many scripts that uses memcached, but all of them are using localhost as a address. My localhost server is now out of RAM, because it’s doing many other things like WWW and MySQL servers. Now I got a brand new server with 16 GB RAM which I can use as a … Read more

Memcache warnings

I have installed memcache on a Dreamhost VPS (Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.9 (lenny) / memcached 1.4.10 ) for a Drupal site . If for some reason the server needs rebooting, memcache is not restarted and Drupal spits out warnings about not being able to find memcache. As mentioned in a previous question, I’m using the following … Read more

PHP Memcache module is compiling with different module (debian)

I’ve downloaded memcache-2.2.6 and when i run: phpize && ./configure –enable-memcache && make I get: Configuring for: PHP Api Version: 20090626 Zend Module Api No: 20090626 Zend Extension Api No: 220090626 This is correct but after configure, make and adding the module to php.ini i get: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: memcache: Unable to initialize module … Read more

Can a slow database cause a web app to hold up a memcache connection?

I have a php application that uses memcache and a back-end database At times we see high “current connections” in memcache and can’t determine why. Why php “misses” from memcache and needs to go to the backend db, does it keep a mem cache connection open until the data is returned? I am seeing “Too … Read more

Incrementing values, alternate way of doing this that won’t use MySQL

I need to count impressions of a .php script that is accessed via web. Right now I do this in a 1 line MySQL table and just increment the value. This works fine usually but when the server has traffic bursts (hundreds of requests/second) everything gets delayed and the increment SQL statements start to pop … Read more

how to uncompress memcached content via nginx?

I’m using memcached to store html content ready for nginx to display but I’m getting the compressed output in the browser. It works if I turn off compression in PHP but doubles the response time which is the key part here so ideally I’d like to keep the compression on and decompress in nginx. Any … Read more