Unable to find javadoc command: The environment variable JAVA_HOME is not correctly set

When I try to create my project’s Javadoc in IntelliJ IDEA using Maven, the following error appears: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.0.1:javadoc (default-cli) on project spotify-web-api-java: An error has occurred in Javadoc report generation: Unable to find javadoc command: The environment variable JAVA_HOME is not correctly set. -> [Help 1] JAVA_HOME is correctly set … Read more

BASH on Ubuntu on Windows (AKA Linux Subsystem for Windows) 10 – How do I set my PATH?

Thanks to the Anniversary Update, I now have BASH on Ubuntu on Windows 10. Previously, I used Cygwin, and had set up Maven in Cygwin, (and got it fully working), which largely consisted of installing Maven, and then modifying my PATH environment variable (in ~/.bashrc) Well, I’m trying to do the same thing using BUW, … Read more

How to do Maven install or deploy only, without re-package/re-test?

Sometimes I wanted to deploy, but I typed mvn package. Sometimes I want to deploy to another alternative repository (using mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=…), immediately after the default deploy. So I really don’t want to package and test them again, because they are just succeeded. The result jars are just there, in the target/ directory. I … Read more

How do I install Maven 3?

I am using Ubuntu and need to upgrade to Maven 3 from Maven 2. Can someone please help me install Maven 3? Answer There are two useful publications on this specific topic here: Installing Maven 3 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server « Trial and Terror installing maven 3 from a binary deb on ubuntu « … Read more

Can intellij be set to automatically “Download Sources and Documentation”

I seem to have to maunally click “Download Sources and Documentation” after each clean install, is there a way to get this to happen by default? Answer It is also a setting on the Import Project/Module screen, or available via settings under Maven > Importing: Automatically download sources/documentation If you want to change this setting … Read more