Windows Loopback adapter not participating in local network

I have created a Windows loop back adapter with ‘Obtain IP address Automatically’ enabled. ipconfig /all Ethernet adapter LL Address: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft Loopback Adapter #3 Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX DHCP … Read more

How can I count / view all fast-path sockets on windows server?

In case you’re not familiar, fast path loopback sockets: How can I count how many connections of this type a system currently have? Thanks! Answer Answering self for future seekers (partial answer though): There’s no way to count it on windows (at least from what I found), but you can count sockets that user … Read more

Loopback interfaces is not pinging on both pcs for packet tracer

I am trying to ping my isp ip address (aka loopback 1) and loopback 10 to PC1 and PC2. Whenever I ping both ip addresses and default gateway from pc1 to pc2 it works. However, when I’m trying to ping my isp ip addresss ( and loopback 10 ip address ( on my cmd the … Read more

iptables loopback opens all ports

I have a strange problem with iptables and my loopback interface. ifconfig says: lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536 inet netmask inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host> for both ipv6 and ipv4 rules, i use this: -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT For ipv6 it works fine: Chain INPUT (policy DROP) target prot opt source … Read more

Can’t track applications network communication under same machine

I have a network application environment of 7 applications communicating with eachother through UDP and TCP. All of them using either the machine’s local network IP or (localhost) to listen on ports or connecting to eachother. All these applications are running on a single test machine. I want to analyze precisely how each application … Read more

Does DPDK/RDMA between 2 machines gives lower latency than local host ping

I know loopback will go through the kernel network stack until reach IP layer, including syscall overhead and some memory copy overhead. DPDK and RDMA use different technology to avoid these. So let’s say I have two machine connected by dpdk/rdma, then I do net latency test, will that be faster than loopback on just … Read more

What is the difference between the loopback interface and the IP address?

I am trying to allow connections between softwares running on the same machine in iptables. The following kill my internet connectivity: # The following rules doesn’t allow the VPN connection to be established #-A INPUT -i lo -o lo -j ACCEPT The following works instead: # The following rules work and make RStudio works -A … Read more

What is the difference between the loopback interface and the IP address?

I am trying to allow connections between softwares running on the same machine in iptables. The following kill my internet connectivity: # The following rules doesn’t allow the VPN connection to be established #-A INPUT -i lo -o lo -j ACCEPT The following works instead: # The following rules work and make RStudio works -A … Read more

Change port 80 to IPv4 unspecified instead of loopback on server 2019

So i have this strange problem where i can’t install milestone system on server 2019. The error says that machine repeatedly refuses the connection. When i check with netstat port 80 is used by I have tried stopping the www publishing services but it doesn’t help. uninstalling all web apps doesn’t work either. So … Read more