I have a problem with the LCD

My dell laptop fell and now the screen doesn’t work and the laptop makes 8 beeps when I turn it on . I tried connecting it to an external monitor but the external monitor got stuck on the dell logo , I tried to do the LCD test but it’s not working for me , … Read more

Windows 7 Pavilion – White ares with vertical, pink, flickering pixels – Green areas with green, vertical moving pixels

I have a windows 7 Pavilion, HP laptop that’s been having issues for a month or so. It started after the laptop fell from my bedside, around a 2 foot drop onto the corner near the vent fan, and cracked the bottom part of the casing. The crack doesn’t go up into the plastic around … Read more

LCD screen cover that can cling

Is there a material that will cling to an LCD screen and be perfectly opaque? Basically I want to apply it to the monitor and have it cling to the monitor and block it completely so no light comes out. I tried mylar and that did not work. Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author … Read more

Calibrate two monitors to the same video settings

Background: Just started a new job as a software developer for an amazing company. I have at my workstation two beautiful 22” LCD monitors. It just happens, however, that the laptop port replicators we use have one DVI and one VGA connector each; so one monitor is connected via DVI and the other via VGA. … Read more