SSL certificate is not properly installed on Glassfish

I am an java developer not an web server/IT infra guy so i dont know wether I am asking this question correctly or not, So i apologies if I am wrong somewhere. Previously we are having an spring web application deployed on Glassfish server later on we decided to apply SSL certificate to it and … Read more

Does anyone know how to scan through a Java Keystore and remove all the expired certificates?

I have in the past made a list of all the alias’s that were expired and then made a forloop in CMD to then go through and remove all of them but I was wondering if anyone knew of a perl script or anything that would both find the expired certs then remove them Answer … Read more

Does ssl certificate need to be installed with IP of tomcat

I have ssl certificate installed on an AWS load balancer( and one instance with Tomcat resides behind the LB. If I open I can see the connection is secure/valid lock on the url bar. If I open with private IP of Tomcat I see the connection is not secure sign. I’m aware usually certificates … Read more

P7b file and cer file do I need them both

I’m trying to understand why I need the chain at all (p7b). I have imported certificates previously and I didn’t need one. Can I bypass this somehow? Well I am getting an error – keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Input not an X.509 certificate java.lang.Exception: Input not an X.509 certificate at at at at … Read more

Convert Key file and Cer file to keystore [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question My boss has used Openssl to buy a certificate and now I have this files: a key file, (yourdomain.key), a csr file (yourdomain.csr), … Read more

Getting Certificates from Java Keystore

I used Java Keytool to generate domain.csr, domain.keystore and domain.cer. I need to secure the domain using SSL for which I need domain.crt and domain.key. How can I get these two? Are domain.jks and domain.keystore both same? What is difference among all extensions like csr, pem, crt,etc ? Answer Mostly dupe How to generate .key … Read more

Import cert into keystore for Wildfly 9.2 (Error-keystore doesn’t contain any key)

I have a p7b cert and I import into IIS and export into 3 .cer file as below. root.cer intermediate.cer servercertificate.cer then I use following commands to insert all 3 cer into my keystore successfully. keytool -import -alias root -keystore test.keystore -trustcacert -file root.cer then I run my wildfly and the error “keystore does not … Read more

Creating an SSL keystore for bitbucket server

I’m getting quite frustrated trying to setup https access to our bitbucket server. Following bitbuckets documentation isn’t that helpful. So far I have the executed the following commands Firtly, I created a certificate signing request and sent that to my certificate provider and they have sent me a certificate. openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes … Read more

How to fix “key pair not generated” when generating CSR

I was using the process detailed here to generate a SSL cert for tomcat: GoDaddy tomcat installation docs I made a mistake and put the wrong CN name when prompted by the keystore command, and when I tried to start over, I got the error “key pair not generated”. How can I fix it? Answer … Read more