MacOS 10.14.2 control-shift-f doesn’t work on IntelliJ and Pycharm

I use XWin keymap profile on IntelliJ and Pycharm, but I can not activate “Find in path” dialog with Control+Shift+F, but I can activate “Replace in path” with Control+Shift+R Answer I found the root cause of this issue: I installed an input method software (Sogou Pinyin), it registered Control–Shift–F as a shortcut of switching Simplified … Read more

Overwrite braces before and after assignment with editorconfig

I would like to overwrite my default style settings for HOCON files in a directory. Specifically that there are no spaces around any assignment operator. I tried these 6 lines (seperately and at the same time): [*.conf] ij_hocon_spaces_around_assigment = false ij_hocon_space_after_assigment = false ij_hocon_space_before_assigment = false ij_any_spaces_around_assigment = false ij_any_space_after_assigment = false ij_any_space_before_assigment = false … Read more

Installing software on a new computer, issue relating to Java

I have installed IntelliJ on new a machine. Installation went OK. When I started to test projects, very simple (hello world type) projects for JavaFX and Android (Java and Kotlin) do not work. I am using IntelliJ Ultimate Edition, Build #IU-191.7141.44 built on May 7, 2019 java version is “12.0.1” 2019-04-16. Java2SE programs work from … Read more