How do crossfade 3 pngs keeping background transparent so I can put it on a background video

I’m trying to take 3 PNG images with transparent background and make a crossfade video with them so I can then put that video on to a background video. I understand I can do possibly do this in 1 command but would like to keep it separate as the background video may be interchangeable. What … Read more

Turning off transparency effect on windows 10 taskbar only

Is it possible to turn off transparency effect on only taskbar, leaving this effect on start menu and other “windows”? Because when I turning it off in settings -> personalization -> colors this effect disappears for all menus and bars. Answer No, it is not possible to have transparency separate for Taskbar and other windows. … Read more

Why are Windows 10 transparency effects temperamental?

The “Transparency Effects” (aka Acrylic, Aero Glass, Frosted Glass, Translucency, Background Blur, etc) in Windows 10 sometimes (but not always) do not work on my computer, despite the Transparency Effects toggle in the Windows 10 Settings App always being enabled. PC specs: Intel Core i7-6850K Intel X99 motherboard chipset Two NVIDIA GeForce 1080 Ti cards … Read more

Weird transparency bug that happens with fullscreen or maximized applications

CPU: i9-10980HK GPU 0 (Integrated): Intel UHD Graphics GPU 1 (Discrete): RTX 3070 Laptop I have no clue what I’m looking at. I had updated Chrome, Zoom, Nvidia Drivers and I tried restoring all of those but to no avail. When I click a screenshot, it shows up fine, but on the actual screen it’s … Read more

ARGB in Adobe Illustrator

I need to create some icons and my client’s requirements are (A: 0, R:255, G: 255, B: 255) for the background.  I’m working on Adobe Illustrator, how do I change the Alpha? When the background is transparent, all the color values are 0. When the background is white, all the values are 255. I don’t know how … Read more

Turn monotone background in transparent

On the internet, you usually get images, that originally were PNGs with aplha chanel and were pasted on white background. Is there some way to substract the white from the zones, where the semi-trensparent colors merged with white to get back the semi-transparent color? Deleting the white area using magic wand makes images look ugly … Read more

“ubuntu terminal”-like console for windows?

I have to work in vista for a while and I am searching for a console that will look much like ubuntu terminal. I want to be able to make the background transparent, change the font color, use keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste and I most of all I want to be able to … Read more

Reversing transparency in a png with photoshop

I have a picture in which two characters are standing one over the other. The problem is that in said picture i accidentally dropped the opacity levels of the first character who was superposing the second. So ,i can see through the first one, the second character. My question is how can i reverse the … Read more

ImageMagick: combine two images with transparency at the border

I have two JPGs one big.jpg and the other small.jpg. I want to extract a region region.jpg of big.jpg of the same size as small.jpg and merge region.jpg and small.jpg into a result.jpg. result.jpg is equal to small.jpg, except at the 16 pixels boundary where it gets more and more similar to region.jpg. Using ImageMagick, … Read more