What’s the best image compressing software for Ubuntu?

I need an application I can use to compress pictures without losing the quality. I’ve heard about Trimage and GIMP. Answer png is the way to go. In very specific cases, you get a better lossless compression by saving the file as a bmp and then compressing it using 7zip, but this makes it impossible … Read more

Program with particular MS Paint feature?

I have been looking for an image editing program with a extremely convenient feature from Microsoft Paint. MS Paint allows you to hold the right mouse button while erasing over a region to erase ONLY the selected color and not affect any other color: Are there any other programs that have this or a very … Read more

How to make pictures not load blurrey at first

I noticed on many platforms (including Windows and Android) Firefox loads images blurry at first (especially when viewing google images). How can this be changed? I’d prefer nothing to be loaded at all and that a clear image all at once, or the image to be loaded from the top down or something like that. … Read more

Need help processing opened images in ImageJ

I’ve created a macro (based on different ones I’ve seen) that analyses particles areas in my picture, automatically copies the Area column in the results window to my clipboard and displays a window asking if I want to close every windows. I would like to know if it is possible to apply this macro to … Read more

Overlay image on FFMPEG running on and on

I wanted to overlay images on my video but no impact to any audio. My video is of length 01:32:34 and my below script continue running from 3 hrs and then I closed it. Looks some issue. Please can you advise. ffmpeg -i D:/ffmpeg_output/Library/2020/11/21/test_video.mp4 -i D:/uploads/Image1.jpg -i D:/uploads/Image2.jpg -filter_complex “[0][1]overlay=x=0:y=0:enable=’between(t,2238.716831,2238.716831)'[v1]; [v1][2]overlay=x=0:y=0:enable=’between(t,2238.716831,2471.229935)'[v2]” -map “[v2]” -map 0:a … Read more

Cropping SVG images on the Command Line

Is it possible to crop an svg on the command line and re-save the file? I’ve looked into rsvg-convert and thought a combination of the options (specifically zoom, width and height) could achieve the result but it doesn’t seem to do what I want. Can rsvg-convert or any other command line tool do this? Thanks … Read more