How to view a GPG encrypted file securely? [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center. Closed 9 years … Read more

LAMP webmail with PGP/GPG support?

I’ve been asked to configure webmail for a company whose business is centred around their intellectual property – which is the rationale why we’re using webmail, and not a client based email reader to access an internal only IMAP server. The other constaint is the requirement for PGP/GPG support, of which there seems to be … Read more

Multiple files encrypted with multiple GPG keys – how to easily add/remove/manage keys, automate key change tasks?

We have a bunch of files that contain sensitive information, that need to be accessed by several teams, but need to be unreadable to everyone else. Currently, each team member needs to generate their own GPG key pair and share their public key with the team. Then whoever has access to the files will add … Read more

How to find out the encryption algorithm used in a set of keys

I am running into an issue where I need to find out the encryption strength of a number of keys that I have (lets just say “KEY_0”, through “KEY_N”). I am currently on Centos 7. How would I go about using pgp/gpg to find out the strength of these keys? Or, to make sure they … Read more

Where to store private key on Linux build server

On my Debian 3.2.54-2 build server I’d like to sign the build artifacts (JAR files) with my private key to ensure their authenticity. I’ve created a private key secring.gpg using GnuPG and protected it with a password. I’m using Jenkins and Gradle for automated building and signing. I have to pass Gradle the location of … Read more

Setting up PGP FTP

I have a situation where I need to setup a FTP server with PGP encryption. Currently I use FileZilla w/ SSL, but in this case we are required to use PGP. Any recommended products/procedures from those who have done this? Doesn’t look like FileZilla natively supports PGP. Thanks! Answer PGP is not an in-transit encryption … Read more