How can I customize the notification from Google Notifier and Google+Growl?

As best I can tell, Google and Growl use the Google Notifier Growl notification instead of displaying its own. The GrowlMail plugin lets you configure what info is displayed upon receipt of a new message. Is there a way to configure what is displayed by the Google Notifier a la GrowlMail–in other words, to choose … Read more

Gmail Notifier’s “mailto” feature is not working on Windows XP SP3 + Firefox 3.5.5

The main reason I installed Gmail Notifier was so I could use Gmail to send messages when I click on a “mailto” link in my browser. I’ve installed the software and made sure the options are set correctly, but this feature simply doesn’t work. I still get the same ol’ Outlook “New Mail Message” window … Read more

Google Notifier hangs on sign-in, must be force-quit (Mac OS X)

OS X 10.6.7 and GN 1.10.7. It was working fine. Then suddenly it started hanging whenever I tried to sign in, regardless of which account. Just gives me the spinning loading icon (not spinning pinwheel, but the sun-dial like circle), for eternity until I force-quit. (Doesn’t even get the icon into the menubar.) I replaced … Read more

Google Notifier Replacement for Mac OS X? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Super User. Closed 4 years ago. Improve this question Google Notifier is great except that I can’t configure when it checks, so it doesn’t help my frantic need to know what’s new … Read more