Compiling GnuPG links gpg2 to /lib instead of /usr/local/lib/ [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question Occasionally I have to install new packages on servers. If I’m lucky, I can find an RPM, otherwise, I get to bang my … Read more

Installing GnuPG extension for PHP on Centos 6.9 Multiple PHP versions

I am trying to install gnuPG pecl module for PHP on a server where multiple PHP versions are install 5.3, 5.6 and 7.0. I was able to just use pecl install gnupg for the base 5.3 install. However when trying to manually phpize and ./configure for the other versions, it never passes the tests. I … Read more

Multiple files encrypted with multiple GPG keys – how to easily add/remove/manage keys, automate key change tasks?

We have a bunch of files that contain sensitive information, that need to be accessed by several teams, but need to be unreadable to everyone else. Currently, each team member needs to generate their own GPG key pair and share their public key with the team. Then whoever has access to the files will add … Read more

add-apt-repository fails due to gpg key timeout

I am running a Mail-in-a-Box server on Ubuntu 18.04. As part of the setup/update script, it attempts to execute the command add-apt-repository -y ppa:certbot/certbot. This fails with the following error message: FAILED: add-apt-repository -y ppa:certbot/certbot —————————————– Error: retrieving gpg key timed out. —————————————– When I try to run the command manually, I get the following … Read more

How do I deploy my own GPG keyserver?

I would like to set up a read-only key-server operating by me where I am going to publish my own keys. So that anyone could do gpg –keyserver –receive-keys 0xDEADBEEF and get the key. Is it some sort of HTTP server? Is it enough to just put static files and serve them via Apache? … Read more

Mailbox on-the-fly decryption (dovecot)

To avoid casual mailbox snooping for an IMAP server I am thinking of “transparent encryption” setup that would: Public key encrypt incoming messages at local delivery time Private key decrypt said messages at read time. (Here, the private key password would be one and the same as the mail account password) (see the rationale at … Read more

SSH with gpg-agent: order of keys

I have GPG set up to talk to SSH (with –enable-ssh-support). I have two keys: say 0x1234 and 0xABCD. Both keys have the following subkeys: a signing key an encryption key an authentication key Therefore, I have two different public keys when I run ssh-add -L with 0x1234 first followed by 0xABCD (I think this … Read more

Why does duplicity need a passphrase for OpenPGP encryption?

I’d like to use duplicity to backup files and I’d like to encrypt them with GnuPG. I was wondering why duplicity asks for a passphrase to encrypt the files. For asymmetric encryption the passphrase is only needed for decryption. I was using the following command: duplicity full –encrypt-key=”KEY-ID” –sign-key=”KEY-ID” /path/to/source file://path/to/destination I expected duplicity to … Read more

Installing Tor on Ubuntu 14.04

Hey guys I’ve tried installing Tor on my Ubuntu 14.04 but with no luck. I did just as the instructions in the official Tor website said but a problem appears in the middle. The instruction says: “Then add the gpg key used to sign the packages by running the following commands at your command prompt: … Read more