Security exception when moving from toplink to eclipselink in glassfish 2.1

My app is working fine with toplink, but I need some eclipselink features, so I decided to swap. I changed the provider in persistence.xml to: <provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider> and added the following property (though I’m not sure if this is needed): <property name=”” value=”SunAS9″/> I’ve tried packaging eclipselink.jar with my app, and I’ve tried putting it in … Read more

How to set JBOSS/JDBSC to cach the MySQL server settings?

Is it possible to set JBOSS/JDBC’s MySQL connector to cache the server’s settings so that I won’t get a big bunch of “show variables” connection all the time? I think there is a similar settings under Glassfish called CacheServerConfiguration but I was not able to find more information about that under JBOSS. Does anyone know … Read more

Set up Glassfish connection pool to talk to a database on a Ubuntu VPS

On my Ubuntu VPS, i have a mysql server running and a Glassfish 3.0.1 Application Server running. And I am having a hard to have my GF successfully ping the database. Here is my GF set up Assume: x.y.z.t is the ip of my VPS Resource Type: javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource User: root DatabaseName: scholar Url: jdbc:mysql://x.y.z.t:3306/scholar URL: … Read more

Glassfish 3.0.1 memory leak when ran with Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise

I have a memory leak with Glassfish 3.0.1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (64bit machine), with or without any running applications Is there a way to resolve this? The same Glassfish 3.0.1 work fine on linux and Windows XP SP2 without any leaks. I can see the leak through the Windows Task Manager. I … Read more

glassfish v2 access control by IP

How can I restrict access to some web-app deployed in Glassfish from certain IPs ? Are there any internal access control in Glassfish or I need to proxy it with external nginx or Apache ? Answer Yes, if you are using a Virtual Server in glassfish then you can use allowRemoteAddress , denyRemoteAddress, allowRemoteHost and … Read more

How to run a multi language web application server?

I’m a web application developer and whenever I buy a web hosting for my application I’m either limited by the technologies supported or the amount of resources (heap size for instance) so I have decided to get a VPS and set everything up. I tried to install apache + mod_php, mod_python etc but I couldn’t … Read more

What is the default URL for a Java EE app running on Glassfish?

Newbie question: What is the default URL for a Java EE application running on a glassfish server? I’ve been googling for a while, and looked through the Glassfish documentation, but I may have overlooked it. Also searched serverFault before posting. Answer glassfish will extract a name from the web application project name, underscores (_) will … Read more

glassfish – Unknown error when trying port 4848

I’m installing glassfish 3.1 on Windows XP service pack 3. but in configuration step it gives this error: PERFORMING THE REQUIRED CONFIGURATIONS ______________________________________ CREATING DOMAIN _______________ Executing command :C:\glassfish3\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat –user admin –passwordfile C:\DOCUME~1\MAJIDA~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\glassfish-3.1-windows-ml.exe6\asadminTmp1079044298673991344.tmp create-domain –savelogin –checkports=false –adminport 4848 –instanceport 8080 –domainproperties=jms.port=7676:domain.jmxPort=8686:orb.listener.port=3700:http.ssl.port=8181:orb.ssl.port=3820:orb.mutualauth.port=3920 domain1 C:\glassfish3\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat –user admin –passwordfile C:\DOCUME~1\MAJIDA~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\glassfish-3.1-windows-ml.exe6\asadminTmp5898014821156752751.tmp create-domain –savelogin –checkports=false –adminport 4848 –instanceport 8080 –domainproperties=jms.port=7676:domain.jmxPort=8686:orb.listener.port=3700:http.ssl.port=8181:orb.ssl.port=3820:orb.mutualauth.port=3920 … Read more