In Windows 10, what default behavior can I expect when a file extension association exists, but a File Type Open Command String has not been set?

Installation of Strawberry Perl inspired this question. Users of Active Perl have reported problems with the <FileType>=<OpenCommandString> pairs created during the installation of Active Perl. For example, ftype perl at the command prompt returned perl=”C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe” “%1″. The named pair should have read perl=”C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe” “%1” %* if you wanted the invocation of file.perl arg1 arg2 … Read more

‘file’ command: specifying search depth for ‘search’ option in /etc/magic file?

How can I specify how far/deep the ‘file‘ command should search in a file to locate a match on a “search” definition ? I am trying to create a universal specification in “/etc/magic” for multi-flavoured Prolog, so that I could do mass-transformation of imported predicate libraries for re-targeting to my personal environment for a project. … Read more

batch move for different file types to different folder name

I have files containing in C:\foldername1\Files\soandso1.mkv C:\foldername2\Files\soandso2.mp4 C:\foldername3\Files\soandso3.avi I want to move the .mkv, .mp4, and .avi back to it’s parent folder, which is foldername1, 2, 3. foldername will be different for each soandso file is in. Basically, I want to get rid of the “Files” folder and have the media files placed in foldername1, … Read more

How to automatically determine filetype by first line in file using vim? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question My vim can determine filetype by first line of file (e.g. #!/bin/bash). But check of first line occurs only at … Read more

How do I make vim use the syntax highlighting of another file location?

I don’t ever use sudo vim /path/to/some.file; I always use sudoedit. However, this means that vim doesn’t see the correct path. As an example, when I open /etc/http/conf/httpd.conf, sudoedit makes a copy of httpd.conf and then uses vim to open that. So instead of vim seeing that file, it sees “/var/tmp/httpdXX3H43AK.conf”(for example). This means that … Read more

Simple document highlighting in Vim

I am looking for a filetype= argument that will format or color document constructs such as lists, headers and sub headrs. Particularly I want the filetype plugin (or syntax plugin) to interpret these formats: Header ====== Sub — Sub2 —- [*] moo [*] foo [*] bar Answer Markdown is sufficient enough or applying basic styles … Read more

vim fortran indentexpr issue

Strange issue here with getting indentexpr=FortranGetFreeIndent() to be set correctly. The first time I open a file (free form, of course), say new.f90, :set gives :set — Options — autoindent filetype=fortran incsearch smartcase autowrite helplang=en mouse=a syntax=fortran background=dark hidden ruler textwidth=72 backup history=500 shiftwidth=3 ttyfast comments=:!,:*,:C hlsearch showcmd ttymouse=xterm2 commentstring=!%s ignorecase showmatch backspace=indent,eol,start fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1 formatoptions=tcql … Read more

OS X Finder: “Plain Text Document” has changed to “text”, “Rich Text Document” to “rich text (RTF)”, etc

Sometime recently some file type names have changed — not the file associations or default application, but the name of the file type itself. “Plain Text Document” has changed to “text”, “Rich Text Document” to “rich text (RTF)”, etc. as per: I did a find /Applications -name \*.plist -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep … Read more